#2 (10th gr) Prodigal Son

The Prodigal

Watch the Skit Guys tell the story of The Prodigal Son, even if you know this story, please watch the clip.

Question 1: What prompted the son to return home?
Question 2:  Why was the son anxious about returning home?

In this story that Jesus told, The Prodigal Son, He is describing the mercy that God the Father has for us.  No matter what we do or how badly we screw up, God the Father is waiting to leap off the porch and run to us.

Read this short article on mercy.  Click this --> Mercy Article

So, in order to receive God's mercy and love, we have to accept it.  What if the prodigal son had refused the 'Welcome Home Feast'?  He wouldn't have been able to receive his dad's full acceptance. It doesn't mean his father would forgive him any less, however, it does mean the son would be condemning himself.  He would not have received the full gift being offered to him.

Also, knowing that we are fully forgiven and loved, it is our duty to forgive others.  We become what we receive.  We receive forgiveness (mercy) so then we should become forgivers of others (become merciful).

Question 3:  Is it hard for you to accept God's mercy?
Question 4:  If you were the prodigal son, would you be able to fully participate in the Welcome Home Feast, or would you be in the corner feeling unworthy?

This song perfectly shows what happens when we 'return home' and how God reacts to that.

When God Ran by Phillips, Craig, 

Question 5: Please share your reaction to this song.

How do we receive God's mercy and forgiveness?  How can we participate in the Welcome Home Feast?  Please look at your YouCat question 227 on pg. 134.  Read the question and all the words underneath.

Question 6:  What do we need to do to receive God's mercy?

In your YouCat read question 314 on pg. 177-178 answer the next question.

Question 7:  What is something Jesus did to show God's mercy?

Remember, if we are forgiven and shown mercy, which we are, we should then be merciful to others. We become what we receive.  Read YouCat question 524 on pg. 286.

Question 8: Why are we able to forgive and reconcile with others?


  1. 1. He realized that even the lowliest of his father's workers were living nicer than he was, so he went to return home, even if he had to work for his father.
    2. He didn't know if his father would accept him after what he had done.
    3. Sometimes
    4. I probably would feel unworthy.
    5. Honestly just by looking at the title, the message of the song wasn't at all the same as what I thought it would be. While I listened to it I had a really peaceful feeling knowing that God will always love and forgive me.
    6. Give penance for our sins and forgive/be merciful to others.
    7. He "mingled" with the sinners knowing that they were the ones who needed his guidance and care.
    8. We can forgive/reconcile others because God forgives/reconciles us.

  2. 1. He realized he wasn't ready to be out on his own and knew his father would help him when he returned even if it meant he had to work.
    2. He didn't know if he would be accepted.
    3. Sometimes.
    4. I would feel unworthy.
    5. This song made me feel bad about myself and made me internally sad.
    6. Be merciful towards others.
    7. He went with the crowd that needed his help rather than the ones who didn't sin.
    8. Because God does the same to us.


Please make sure you note which question you are answering. (Example: Q1, Q2B, etc.)
You can answer the questions in any order.
You do not have to answer all questions at one time.