OVERVIEW (for NEW & 9th gr. students)

Overview & Tutorial

How does this program work?

What we WILL do:

  • Have fun
  • Learn all about our Catholic faith
  • Participate in Online Sessions
  • Meet once a month for In-Person Sessions; don't worry they are fun
  • Activate our faith and integrate our faith into our daily lives
  • Work on a Service Project that YOU design, plan, and carry-out; you'll have help
What we will NOT do:
  • Meet every Wednesday
  • Listen to lectures after being at school all day

Watch the video below of Matthew West's World Changers, this will give you an idea of what this program, Called and Commissioned, is all about.

World Changers --> that's YOU

Called and Commissioned is fashioned after a verse in the Bible from the book of Jeremiah.  This next video is cheesy, but it'll explain a little about who Jeremiah was..... (just humor me and watch this)

The Prophet Jeremiah

Then I said, "Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy." But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a boy'; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord."                                                           -Jeremiah 1: 6-8


St. Pope John Paul II put together something called the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  It's a great book that explains what we believe and why. Pope Benedict XVI took the Catechism of the Catholic Church and turned it into something teens could use and understand.... YouCat. We'll be using the YouCat throughout the year, be sure you have a copy!

Online Sessions
Each session will include articles, movie clips, quotes, videos, and questions to answer.

You are required to answer all the questions but you can do so on your own time at home, school, the library, outside, or wherever you have internet access.  Also, you do not have to answer the questions in one sitting.  As long as you answer all questions before their due dates, you will be successful. 

After you answer the questions (which you do anonymously by the way) you also need to respond to any comments sent your way by a teacher or another student.  Everyone will receive a secret name with which you'll use to answer questions and respond to comments.  PLEASE DO NOT SHARE YOUR SAINT NAME!  You will receive your Saint Name in class or via email.

In-Person Sessions
We'll meet about once a month.  

We'll do things that are active and relevant.  If an issue arises during an Online Session we'll address it at the In-Person Session.  

This year we'll be learning about how awesome the Bible really is.... you may not think it's now all that interesting right now, but hopefully this program will change your mind.

This may sound scary and overwhelming, you're right, but only for a little bit.  You are not alone in this part of Called and Commissioned.  In fact you'll be working with adults (myself, your parents, community members, and maybe even a friend or two) and you will receive step-by-step instructions along the way.  

At the end of the year you'll share what you've accomplished at the Service Project Fair .

Question 1:  Can you sign in anonymously with your assigned Saint Name? (hint: when answering questions ALWAYS start with the question # you are answering.  For example "Question 1: Yes." or "Q1: Yes" or simply "1: yes"; somehow make it known which question you are answering)

Question 2A:  Name something you are NOT looking forward to in Called and Commissioned.  (yep, I really want to know.)

Question 2B:  Name something you think sounds fun in Called in Commissioned.


  1. Q1: yes
    Q2A: I am not looking forward to getting home from a long day of school and then going to an hour and a half long meeting.
    Q2B: I am looking forward to learning more about my faith.

    1. I totally understand your feeling about wanting to "be done with your day", I have that feeling a lot. We end up laughing a lot at class so it makes it kinda fun, in the end.

  2. 1. Yes
    2a.answering questions
    2b.when we eat pizza at the end

  3. 1: yes
    2a: doing questions
    2b: learning more

    1. I hope you learn some stuff, we usually laugh a lot though, too.


Please make sure you note which question you are answering. (Example: Q1, Q2B, etc.)
You can answer the questions in any order.
You do not have to answer all questions at one time.