#1 (9th gr) Baptism

Baptism = You ARE a Disciple

First let's look look at what Baptism is and the purpose of this sacrament.

Now, go to your YouCat questions 194-200, read those seven questions and their answers on pg. 116-119.

Question 1:  In your own words describe the sacrament of Baptism.

When you are Baptized you become a member of the Body of Christ.  You become a sister or brother of Christ.  You are a child of God.  
Pope Benedict XVI says, "Our life now belongs to Christ, and no longer to ourselves ... At his side and, indeed, drawn up in his love, we are freed from fear. He enfolds us and carries us wherever we may go - he who is Life itself".
Even if you were baptized as an infant this does not mean you get to sit back and let life pass you by.  You have a job to do.  Because we are part of God's family, we should be doing the work of God's family.  What does that mean for you?

It means you are a disciple of Jesus, whether you like it or not, this is part of what happens as a Baptized Child of God.

Let's look at what it means to be a Disciple of Christ.

A disciple is a follower, so, to be a Disciple of Christ you'll need to believe in Jesus as our Savior and follow Him.

You cannot follow Jesus if you don't know who He is, you must know who you are following.  So, how do we get to know Jesus and follow Him?

Know who you are following...
Don't let this be YOU

If you can't see or do not know your leader you may end up walking off a cliff.  Make sure you know enough about Jesus to insure you are following Him.

How can you be sure you are following Jesus?  Here are some tried and true methods:

  1. PRAY
  2. Go to Mass
  3. Receive the sacraments (Communion, Reconciliation, etc)
  4. Be kind and help others, you can see Jesus in those around you.  Those that are easy to love and those that aren't so easy to love; look for Jesus in them.
Question 2:  Which one of the four methods listed do you do really well?
Question 3:  Which one do you need to work at more?

Have you ever thought about the relationship Jesus had with His disciples and others whom He considered friends?  What would it be like to really walk behind Jesus and follow Him?
I would think Jesus would have been the best kind of friend. He was always patient, kind, and understanding.  How could he not be?

How can YOU be a disciple?  Just be a good person, right? Not quite.  Read Question 348 in the YouCat pg. 192.

Question 4:  What do you have to do to be a Jesus follower and live forever in heaven?

It won't always be easy to be a follower of Christ, it may even be difficult much of the time.  Think about what Jesus did for you though, he was beaten, tortured, laughed at, mocked, and killed.  He knows what it is like to have a rough time.  Despite difficulties, remember who your leader is and know he won't lead you over a cliff.


  1. Q1: To me Baptism means that you are now a part of the church and you are a Disciple of Christ.
    Q2: I do well at being kind and helping others.
    Q3: I need more work on going to mass.
    Q4: To be a follower of Jesus and live in heaven forever, you have to have faith. You need to believe that God knows what is best for you.

    1. Hey, great answers! I like your Q1 answer and would add in that we become adopted sons/daughters of God. Going to Mass can be hard sometimes but the more you understand ABOUT the Mass the more interesting it becomes. :)

  2. 1: You become a child of god, and get water poured on your head. You are part of the catholic religon now, and can live through god.
    2: I would say I am the best about praying, I try to make sure to pray once a day.
    3: I should probably go to church more often.
    4:You can be a follower by understanding God and his word, and believing in it. Also praying and knowing God is there for you.

    1. Praying is sometimes the hard one, if you have that going for you... you're off to a good start! Yes, please go to Mass, the more you learn ABOUT the Mass the more interesting it becomes.


Please make sure you note which question you are answering. (Example: Q1, Q2B, etc.)
You can answer the questions in any order.
You do not have to answer all questions at one time.